
"against the flesh, the traitor within, a warrior uses discipline. We have a two-dimensional version of this now, which we call a "quite time." But most men have a hard time sustaining any sort of devotional life because it has no vital connection to recovering and protecting their strength; it feels about as important as flossing. But if you saw your life as a great battle and you knew you needed time with God for your very survival, you would do it. Maybe not perfectly - nobody ever does and that's not the point anyways - but you would have a reason to seek him. We give a half-hearted attempt at the spiritual disciplines when the only reason we have is that we "ought" to. But we'll find a way to make it work when we are convinced we're history if we don't.
Time with God each day is not about academic study or getting through a certain amount of Scripture or any of that. It's about connecting with God. We've got to keep those lines of communication open, so use whatever helps. Sometimes I'll listen to music; other times I'll read Scripture or a passage from a book; often I'll journal; maybe I'll go for a run; then there are days when all I need is silence and solitude and the rising sun. The point is simply to do whatever brings be back to my heart and the heart of God."
-John Eldredge/wild at heart

WOW -> =)
simple reminder. It's all it takes. I've never been big at the whole idea of flossing, never really seemed important to me, sure I'd do so every so often from time to time. it always seemes like such a hassle, time consuming, plus it hurts too sometimes. how ironic that it can be compared to something as simple as flossing...sure your relationship, your devos, your communication with God seems like a hassle sometimes, time consuming, maybe you're too tired, or a struggle to get up in the morning and break out that book or simply to spend a few quiet minutes. put away your text book, your cell phone, laptop and all that jazz that you dwell over countless hours at a time and be simply in the presence.
I guess there is the big difference between knowing what you need and doing so.
time to go be challenged.